Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Boys Over Flowers finale..

Malam tadi, the end of Boys Over Flowers.. the ending is acceptable. Overall story is a bit different from Taiwan's version - Meteor Garden I & II. The characters created are also different in quite a unique way. Since aku dah terlepas the earlier episodes, so now I've been watching it in the youtube. Lepas habis BOF @KBSW303, aku kat dalam bilik tengok youtube pulak. When suddenly, Ilhan sits besides me and say... "mommy ni.. cite koya.. cite koya .. cite koya.. kat tv cite koya.. ni pun cite koya lagiii..!!"... dan aku terus tergelak-gelak..

notes: cite koya = cerita korea

1 comment:

malkomal said...

ha'a BOF ni lebih simple dan x meleret2 macam meteor garden.. x sakit sgt kepala saya tgk..
saya suka saya suka.. cite koya best!!