Tuesday, November 4, 2008

marah !!

pagi ni aku marah. not a good day to start of with. yealah.. mana taknye aku marah, dept. aku ni ciput je. takkanlah latest info. tak boleh nak circulate. aku tak paham betul system dlm dept. aku ni kengkadang. bukan ke kalau ada new updates/ bulletins/ whatsoever related to post-tender shall be circulated to related people. simpan je buat ape. alasan, dah park kat server. hey !! people... server tu for sharing purpose yes .. but if you park it without informing.. can anyone know there are new updates ? NO..NO..NO..! Inform je lah kan..ini tak. Benci aku !! But then, to padamkan api kemarahan.. why not a piece of Surah Toha. Moga lembut hati aku hari ni.. Amin !


sparkystar said...

ayoyo..jgn la mrah2,tgal kt bdua je kat sni.uji dah la tak de..huhu

hurul said...

banyak la ko.. tu'la.. buat keje jangan main-main !

~ujicham~ said...

Esok aku datang wei.... yahoo. yahoo..

Ye ke Kak Hurul... hmm.. bak kata sajak Paradox of Our Age;

"We build more computers to hold more information,
to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication"